*For all the Village news visit our Website: www.abbotsleigh.org.uk*
Abbots Leigh Civic Society Annual Report 2024-2025
Click here to view our annual report.
Past Events
Bonfire Night - Tuesday 5th November 2024
We've enjoyed the "best fireworks" to celebrate Guy Fawkes Night on the Tuesday 5h November 2024.
As every year, we had the best time surrounded by neighbours and friends.
Thank you to all that helped to organise, set up, run and clear up afterwards.
“Remember, remember the fifth of November!”
Festival in the Field
Sadly, all the weather forecasts available (including the one from the Norwegian Airforce!) predicted the worst and wettest weather conditions for the festival to go ahead. However, it didn't stop us to carry on with the bake off competition at the George Inn pub with lots of wonderful children and teens entries.
The Childrens Christmas Party, December 2024
This wonderful annual party was another huge success. Well done to our team of organisers - Rachael Doherty, Gabi Watson, Adri Allen, Mel King, Cathy Ascherl and Gemma Whiston, with the magical assistance of our team of Santa’s Elves; Bella, Alice, Poppy, Jorja and Grace, The children had loads of fun with the entertainer and it was rounded off with a very special visit by Father Christmas who brought a gift for every child. Thank you to Henry Burnand for persuading him to drop in!
So lovely to see lots of smiling faces and the community having a great time together.
Tennis tournament - Saturday 3rd August 2024
The Tennis tournament was a great afternoon with a wonderful atmosphere! Followed by lovely canapes and drinks. The civic society was very please to be able to support such a great event.
Bonfire Night - Sunday, 5th November
Despite the torrential rain, there was a great attendance for an amazing evening of bonfire and fabulous fireworks display. Well done to Drew Smith (Chief Fireworks Operator) who designed and planned a spectacular and very importantly, safe display. A great night was had by all and we would like to say a huge thank you to all of our volunteers who worked so hard to make it such a success. We couldn’t do it without you and you did a great job!
Bonfire Night is the biggest event in the Civic Society’s calendar and all of the funds raised are used to pay for the event itself and to subsidise most of our other village events throughout the rest of the year. Any surplus is used to contribute to village improvements such as the children’s play equipment, the new Tree Light and the footpath.
We are working on…
Recruiting new members!
If you have enjoyed the events we have done for the community and feel its your time to help make things happen, we would love for you to join us. Please email us to abbotsleighcivicsociety@gmail.com
Come and help us to make the fun happen!
We are so lucky to have such wonderful volunteers who step up to help at our events and that is why they are so successful. Apart from being fun, volunteering to help is a great way to meet new people in the village. So, if you like working with a team, enjoy a laugh and being part of our lovely village community then we would love to hear from you. We always welcome suggestions and ideas so please do get in touch with Mel & Jon - abbotsleighcivicsociety@gmail.com.
All residents of Abbots Leigh are deemed to be members of the ALCS and are thus very welcome to attend any of the events it organises. We very much hope that everyone who lives in the village see the ALCS as their Community Group.
We help to organise various activities and events, which utilise the local facilities and talents of the villagers. In particular we focus on making use of the Village Hall and the Old School Field (opposite Abbots Leigh Church on Church Road).
Committee & Contact Information
We have a committee:
- Melanie King (Joint Chair)
- Jon Brewer (Joint Chair)
- Ian Larthe de Langladure (Treasurer)
- Debbie Nelmes
- Adriana Allen
- Henry Burnand
- Rachael Doherty
- Paulina Gillespie
- Murray Stewart
- Neil Hopkinson
- Andrew Manasseh
- Eleni Franklin
- Rosie Gloyns
We meets several times a year to plan events and discuss matters concerning the village. We are always looking for new people who will help with events and/or join the committee.
Any enquiries please email at abbotsleighcivicsociety@gmail.com